Jointly with The Empire Club of Canada
One of the greatest challenges of globalization will be its ability to bring benefits to all mankind – including the so-called third world. Future planetary stability will be determined by how well the world succeeds to closing the gap between the poor and rich nations – and in generating sustainable growth that works for all.
What effect has globalization had on the third world during the twenty years since the collapse of Soviet Communism? Is the Third World sinking or shrinking?
Generally speaking, it’s shrinking, because there has been enormous growth in China, India and South Asia rapidly changing and improving the lives of more than 2.5 billion people. Similar progress is being made in much of Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The exception is Africa.
Our speaker will make the case that despite high commodity-based growth in recent years, Africa still has serious problems compounded by instability, corruption and inappropriate policies.
So while globalization is shrinking the third world, we need to enhance this trend and concentrate on sustainable development with a focus on Africa.
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