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Monday, October 28, 2002
12:00 PM
 - 12:00 PM
Royal York Hotel Canadian Room

Dr. Elliot Halparin

President, Ontario Medical Association
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Evaluating Romanow's Recommendations: A Checklist for Canadians

After more than a year of work, thousands of submissions, countless surveys, debates and hearings, the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada is preparing its final report. In anticipation of the Commission’s final report Dr. Elliot Halparin, President of the Ontario Medical Association, will provide a checklist to evaluate Romanow’s recommendations.

As the voice of Ontario’s 25,000 physicians and as a family doctor who has served patients in a variety of settings for 26 years, Dr. Halparin will offer a unique and expert perspective on what it will take to assure Canadians of timely access to quality medical care in the future.