The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board is a leader among Canadian institutional investors in advocating more effective corporate governance. President and CEO Claude Lamoureux will address the need to move beyond structural and cosmetic governance reforms to changes that will make a substantive difference in ensuring boards and corporate managers focus on creating shareholder wealth. He will discuss current concerns, recommend simple steps to more powerful corporate governance so that directors have the resilience and resources to act independently in overseeing management, and unveil an initiative to rate the governance of Canadian companies. He will call upon institutional investors to act forcefully in the best interests of Canadians on whose behalf they invest.
Claude Lamoureux has been with the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan since 1990. Since that time the net assets of the pension plan have grown more than threefold to over $73 billion. Mr. Lamoureux sits on many boards including: Canadian Investor Protection Fund; the International Corporate Governance Network; the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Education Fund; and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.