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Friday, November 15, 2002
12:00 PM
 - 12:00 PM
Royal York Hotel Canadian Room

Hon. David Anderson, P.C., M.P.

Minister of the Environment
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Taking Action on Climate Change -- Why the Kyoto Protocol

A Joint Meeting with the Empire Club of Canada

In his address to this joint meeting Environment Minister David Anderson will discuss why the Kyoto Protocol is the solution to the global challenge of climate change. Minister Anderson will argue that if we want the rest of the world to act in a way that will lessen the effects of global emissions on Canada then Canada needs to be part of a global agreement. Canada is vulnerable to climate change and the federal government believes that ratifying the Kyoto Protocol will be the first step towards global agreement on this critical issue.

David Anderson represents the riding of Victoria. Appointed Minister of the Environment in 1999, Mr. Anderson has also served as Minister of Transportation and Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.