Ambassador Bremer will discuss the need for a global strategy to combat terrorism and a recommended plan of action for corporations to plan for and manage crisis events. Paul Bremer is one of the world’s foremost authorities on terrorism and has been a prominent speaker in policy forums and, since September 11, a frequent expert commentator on the subject in the media.
Ambassador Bremer is currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Marsh Crisis Consulting, which a provides a full range of services to corporations to help them avoid, plan for and manage crises such as natural disasters, product recalls, workplace violence and terrorism. Prior to joining Marsh & McLennan Ambassador Bremer was Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, a firm headed by Henry Kissinger, and also spent 23 years in the US diplomatic service. From 1986 to 1989 Ambassador Bremer served as President Reagan’s Ambassador-at-Large for Counter-Terrorism and served as a top advisor to the President and Secretary of State.