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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
12:00 PM
 - 12:00 PM

Anne Golden

President & CEO, The Conference Board of Canada
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Canada’s Performance & Potential: Report Card 2005

2005 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Conference Board of Canada’s Performance & Potential Report. It compares Canada’s socio-economic performance on key indexes like the economy, health care and the environment to those of other leading countries around the world.

Last year’s report focused on Canada’s distinctive competitive strengths. On October 19th, Anne Golden joins us to share the report findings for 2005. On balance, the prospects for Canada are more positive than at any time since 1996, when the report was first published. Nevertheless, we’ll hear from Anne that it’s time for Canada to do a “reality check”. Demographic changes, a growing infrastructure gap and deficits below the federal level all demand policy responses. Most surprisingly, despite the fact that Canadians believe we are doing “pretty good,” Canada has fallen to the back of the pack in a number of key areas, including environmental performance.

Don’t miss this in-depth analysis of issues that are critical to our Canadian quality of life along with some arguably startling projections for the years ahead.

Anne Golden has been President and Chief Executive Officer of The Conference Board of Canada since October 2001. Before joining the Conference Board, Dr. Golden served as President of The United Way of Greater Toronto for 14 years. Dr. Golden has attained national profile in the public policy arena, especially for her work on homelessness and urban policy. Currently she is a member of The Toronto City Summit Alliance Steering Committee, the Commercialization Advisory Council for the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade, and the Panel of Senior Advisors to the Auditor General of Canada.

Dr. Golden holds a PhD in history from the University of Toronto and has also received honorary doctorates from Royal Roads University (2005), the University of Toronto (2002), York University (2000) and Ryerson Polytechnic University (1997), as well as an honorary diploma from Loyalist College (2005).