Poised to transform every social institution, the Net Generation is reshaping the form and functions of school, work, and even democracy. This wave of youth, aged 12-30, the first truly global generation, is impacting all institutions. Employers, educators, parents and political leaders are finding it necessary to adapt to the changing social fabric due to this generation’s unique characteristics.
Please join us on Tuesday, March 10th when Don Tapscott, Author of Wikinomics, and Chairman of nGenera Insight discusses and takes questions regarding his new book, Grown up Digital and offers valuable insight for leaders across all social institutions in working with the Net Generation.
Don Tapscott is one of the world’s leading authorities on business strategy, with emphasis on how information technology changes business, government and society. He is the author or co-author of 13 widely read books, including Wikinomics, which was the best selling management book in the United States in 2007 and is now translated into 22 languages. He is Chairman of nGenera Insight, an Austin, TX-based technology company serving a marquee list of Global 2000 customers. Tapscott is also an adjunct Professor at the J.L. Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto. His most recent book, Grown Up Digital, is based on a 4.5 million dollar research study and explores how the Net Generation is changing the world and all of its institutions.