George Thomson is Chair of the Ontario Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform. He and 103 randomly selected Ontarians have been charged with reviewing Ontario’s electoral system. Over the next few months, they will hold public consultations to hear what other citizens’ value. Based on what they hear and learn they will recommend whether Ontario should keep its current electoral system or change to a new one. If the Assembly recommends a new electoral system, the Ontario government has promised to put it to a referendum by the next election in October 2007 so that all voters can have their say.
George Thomson joins us November 7th to discuss this noteworthy and exciting experiment in democratic renewal.
Over his thirty year career, George has served as a lawyer, educator, judge and deputy minister. He was a family court judge in Kingston and has spent many years working on issues affecting children and families. Most recently, he was the head of the organization that educates Canada’s judges. George has also served as a deputy minister both in Ontario and for the federal government.
George is married with two children. He lives on Howe Island near Kingston Ontario.