The Canadian Club of Toronto hosts DiverseCity with opening address by Governor General Michaëlle Jean.
Please join us on May 10th when Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, will deliver an address and participate in a discussion with DiverseCity Co-Chairs Mr. John Tory (Chair, Toronto City Summit Alliance), Ms. Ratna Omidvar (President, Maytree), Mr. Gord Nixon (President & CEO, RBC) and a panel of new leaders on ways to cultivate the kind of leadership Canada needs to remain prosperous in an ever-changing global economy.
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean was sworn in as Governor General of Canada on September 27, 2005. As Governor General, Her Excellency has travelled across the country and abroad to promote Canadian values of national unity, diversity, corporate engagement, inclusion, culture, and youth empowerment. This will be her first address on these topics to a Canadian Club audience in Toronto.
It has been just over one year since DiverseCity announced its bold and detailed plan to change the face of leadership. At a Canadian Club luncheon on January 26, 2009, over 100 partner organizations from across the Toronto region committed their support to “DiverseCity: The Greater Toronto Leadership Project” and joined this effort to enable a new, more diverse leadership to emerge.
Recognizing that a lack of networks are among the greatest obstacles for emerging leaders, DiverseCity set out to change this. Project Co-Chairs Ms. Ratna Omidvar and Mr. John Tory will share their results to date and outline next steps. This luncheon will underline how Toronto’s leaders are rising to the challenge, breaking down barriers and facilitating new connections to accelerate prosperity in the GTA and across Canada. Companies who reserve a table will host an emerging leader from a diverse background to join their table.