Canada’s unemployment insurance system is broken. The system fails to help many Canadians who lose their jobs. It could be better at strengthening Canada’s human capital and labour force productivity. The system works particularly poorly in the Greater Toronto Area.
The Mowat Centre EI Task Force has completed 18 months of research and consultation with business, social services, government and labour.
Please join us on Wednesday, November 16th, as the Mowat Centre unveils the report’s recommendations for fundamental but realistic and fiscally prudent redesign of the EI program. The Report recommends creating a strengthened national system – one that is relevant to today’s labour market and contributes to nation-building.
The Honourable Roy J. Romanow served as Premier of Saskatchewan from 1991 until 2001. In 2001, he headed the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada. Currently, Mr. Romanow holds the positions of Senior Fellow in Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan and Visiting Fellow in the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University.
Ratna Omidvar is President of Maytree, a private foundation that promotes equity and prosperity through its policy insights, grants and programs. She also serves as a director of Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance (formerly Toronto City Summit Alliance), the chair of the Board of Directors of TRIEC, and a director of Connect Legal.
Matthew Mendelsohn is the founding Director of the Mowat Centre. Prior to this, he was a Deputy Minister in the Ontario government for five years, a Senior Advisor in the Privy Council Office, and on the faculty of the Political Studies Department at Queen’s University.
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