Few would debate the assertion that the global marketplace is more competitive than it has ever been. As corporations and indeed entire countries strive to gain a foothold, they must examine and embrace their unique differentiators.
While there are many ways to pursue competitive advantage, Mr. Tsaparis ascertains that for Canada the best way forward lies in learning from our past – our propensity to embrace and support those qualities that Canadians are recognized for globally. True competitiveness must be inclusive of an organization’s affect on the community in which it lives and reflect the values of its society.
Mr. Tsaparis will discuss the issue of corporate social responsibility as a competitive and economic driver for Canada in the worldwide economy and the convergence of personal, societal and business values that make it so. For corporations – and for this country – to achieve success on the international stage, we must leverage our shared values and the intrinsic links between good corporate citizenship and competitiveness.