Peter C. Newman
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
12:00 PM
 - 12:00 PM
Sheraton Centre, Civic Ballroom, 123 Queen Street West

Peter C. Newman

Author and Journalist
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My Secret Life

PETER C. Newman, Canada’s most cussed and discussed author, reveals the secrets that didn’t get into his books. He has had four wives (“and God knows what else”, as one observer of his love life put it); been condemned by eight prime ministers whose father confessor he became; been a magician at Eaton’s Toytown; served as a Captain in the Canadian Navy; been editor-in-chief of the country’s largest newspaper (the Toronto Star) and most influential magazine (Maclean’s); and has written 22 books that sold two million copies. His speech will preview “Here Be Dragons”, his newly-published, already controversial memoirs.