Guest Code Of Conduct


I. Canadian Club Toronto is committed to providing a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for its  guests. To achieve this goal, we ask that our guests conduct themselves respectfully and in accordance  with the terms of this Code of Conduct. We are committed to passionately delivering an exceptional  experience and thank guests in advance for your compliance.


II. For the enjoyment and safety of all, the following behaviours are prohibited: 

a. Failing to follow the instructions of Canadian Club Toronto employees, board members or volunteers;  such as sitting in an unassigned seat or location; disrupting the content from the podium in any way and failing to respect or observe Canadian Club Toronto’s accessibility policies, including the refusal to  relocate from companion seating to accommodate guests with disabilities or their companion(s);

b. Verbally or physically harassing Canadian Club Toronto employees, board members, volunteers or  guests;

c. Damaging or Removing Canadian Club Toronto property; 

d. Any apparel that displays offensive or profane materials, or is intended to disguise a guest’s identity,  excluding apparel related to a person’s religion or ethnocultural background; 

d.Carrying, displaying or using any real or simulated weapons of any kind (including toy guns or other  weapons), excluding apparel related to a person’s religion or ethnocultural background; 

f. Loitering or behaving in a way that is: 

        i. Unruly, disruptive or harmful; 

        ii. In violation of any laws or regulations; 

g. Using abusive language or obscene gestures;  h. Impairment related to drug or alcohol consumption; 


III. Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in removal from, or refusal of admission to, event premises,  without a refund or other compensation. Canadian Club Toronto may also pursue any remedies available to  it upon violation of this Code of Conduct.