
Discover our memberships in an exciting new format designed to bring you closer to newsmakers, whether online or in person! It’s never been easier, or more convenient, to become a member of Canadian Club Toronto.


For 1 Person

New to the Club, and wondering how to participate? This membership is for you! Get access to all paid virtual events, our current season’s event recordings & learn more about the Club through our rich archive of past events.

per year


For 1 Person

If you want more of what the Club has to offer, look no further than the Individual membership! As a member, you’ll receive all of the benefits of the Introductory membership, PLUS pre-sale access for live events & discounts on your ticket purchases.

per year


For 1 Mentor + 2 Mentees

For the senior professional, looking to offer networking opportunities & provide access to thought leadership for two of their mentees. This membership includes access to the virtual post-event reception for select Club events.

per year