Member of Parliament for St. Antoine Division of the City of Montreal; as Honorary Secretary of the Canadian Patriotic Fund he delivered lectures all through Canada
Member of Parliament for St. Antoine Division of the City of Montreal; as Honorary Secretary of the Canadian Patriotic Fund he delivered lectures all through Canada
A direct descendant of the founder of Wedgwood pottery; V-P of the Trades & Labour Congress of Canada; a brother of John Redmond, M.P., leader of the Home Rule party in the British House of Commons
English Radicalism; Workmen's Compensation; Home Rule for Ireland
A direct descendant of the founder of Wedgwood pottery; V-P of the Trades & Labour Congress of Canada; a brother of John Redmond, M.P., leader of the Home Rule party in the British House of Commons
English Radicalism; Workmen's Compensation; Home Rule for Ireland
A grandson of William Lyon Mackenzie; he is recognized as an authority on Canadian History, particularly that portion of it relating to the development of self-government; a prominent member of the
A grandson of William Lyon Mackenzie; he is recognized as an authority on Canadian History, particularly that portion of it relating to the development of self-government; a prominent member of the
One of Canada's most distinguished political economists; he was head of the Department of Political Science at Queens University until he became Chairman of the Service Commission a few years ago
One of Canada's most distinguished political economists; he was head of the Department of Political Science at Queens University until he became Chairman of the Service Commission a few years ago