Monday, March 12, 1956 Hon. George A. Drew, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Ll.D. Leader of the Opposition, House of Commons Target for Tomorrow Monday, March 12, 1956 Hon. George A. Drew, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Ll.D. Leader of the Opposition, House of Commons Target for Tomorrow
Monday, October 24, 1955 John G. Diefenbaker, M.P. Attitude of the U.S.S.R., Change in Manner or Matter Monday, October 24, 1955 John G. Diefenbaker, M.P. Attitude of the U.S.S.R., Change in Manner or Matter
Thursday, June 16, 1955 John Bassett Jr. President and Chairman of the Board, The Telegram Allies Revisited Thursday, June 16, 1955 John Bassett Jr. President and Chairman of the Board, The Telegram Allies Revisited
Monday, March 14, 1955 Hon. Lester B. Pearson, O.B.E., M.A., Ll.D. Secretary of State for External Affairs Monday, March 14, 1955 Hon. Lester B. Pearson, O.B.E., M.A., Ll.D. Secretary of State for External Affairs
Monday, February 21, 1955 Brigadier Claude H. Dewhurst, O.B.E. Former Chief of the British Mission to the Soviet Forces in East Germany How Weak is Russia Monday, February 21, 1955 Brigadier Claude H. Dewhurst, O.B.E. Former Chief of the British Mission to the Soviet Forces in East Germany How Weak is Russia
Monday, January 24, 1955 Hon. Henry D. Hicks Premier, Province of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia and Canada Monday, January 24, 1955 Hon. Henry D. Hicks Premier, Province of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia and Canada
Friday, October 15, 1954 Rt. Hon. Viscount Swinton, P.C., G.B.E., C.H. (Better Known As Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister) Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations Friday, October 15, 1954 Rt. Hon. Viscount Swinton, P.C., G.B.E., C.H. (Better Known As Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister) Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations
Monday, February 1, 1954 James M. Minifie, O.B.E., Ll.D. Representative in Washington of the New York Herald Tribune Republicans in Action Monday, February 1, 1954 James M. Minifie, O.B.E., Ll.D. Representative in Washington of the New York Herald Tribune Republicans in Action
Monday, January 11, 1954 His Excellency The Right Honourable Vincent Massey, C.H., P.C. Governor General of Canada Canada and her Visitors Monday, January 11, 1954 His Excellency The Right Honourable Vincent Massey, C.H., P.C. Governor General of Canada Canada and her Visitors
Monday, November 23, 1953 I. Norman Smith Associate Editor, The Ottawa Journal Yugoslavia, Communism and an Uneasy Conscience Monday, November 23, 1953 I. Norman Smith Associate Editor, The Ottawa Journal Yugoslavia, Communism and an Uneasy Conscience