Friday, March 19, 1943 Sir Owen Dixon, Ll.B. Australian Minister to the U.S. Australia Friday, March 19, 1943 Sir Owen Dixon, Ll.B. Australian Minister to the U.S. Australia
Monday, March 15, 1943 M.H. Halton Canada's most outstanding foreign correspondent The War In North Africa Monday, March 15, 1943 M.H. Halton Canada's most outstanding foreign correspondent The War In North Africa
Monday, February 8, 1943 The Hon. Leighton G. McCarthy Canadian Minister to the United States Two Years in Diplomacy Monday, February 8, 1943 The Hon. Leighton G. McCarthy Canadian Minister to the United States Two Years in Diplomacy
Thursday, December 17, 1942 Shaudhuri Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, K.C.S.I. Judge of the Federal High Court in India India's Position in the War Thursday, December 17, 1942 Shaudhuri Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, K.C.S.I. Judge of the Federal High Court in India India's Position in the War
Monday, November 23, 1942 Major-General Victor Odlum, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. Canada's First Minister to China The War In The Pacific Monday, November 23, 1942 Major-General Victor Odlum, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. Canada's First Minister to China The War In The Pacific
Monday, November 16, 1942 Dr. Frank Nelson Royal Norwegian Information Service, New York Norway Defies The Nazi Terror Monday, November 16, 1942 Dr. Frank Nelson Royal Norwegian Information Service, New York Norway Defies The Nazi Terror
Monday, November 9, 1942 His Excellency Constantin Fotitch Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Yugoslavia to the United States of America Yugoslavia's Part In The War Monday, November 9, 1942 His Excellency Constantin Fotitch Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Yugoslavia to the United States of America Yugoslavia's Part In The War
Saturday, October 31, 1942 Right Honourable The Viscount Bennett Of Mickleham, Calgary And Hopewell Saturday, October 31, 1942 Right Honourable The Viscount Bennett Of Mickleham, Calgary And Hopewell
Monday, October 26, 1942 Major H.G. Scott, M.A., Ll.B. Liaison Officer between Canadian and Allied Armies The Meaning of German Conquest Monday, October 26, 1942 Major H.G. Scott, M.A., Ll.B. Liaison Officer between Canadian and Allied Armies The Meaning of German Conquest
Monday, October 19, 1942 Napier Moore Editor of Maclean's Magazine Canada's Overseas Front Monday, October 19, 1942 Napier Moore Editor of Maclean's Magazine Canada's Overseas Front