Wednesday, December 15, 1909 Sir Lomer Gouin Premier of the Province of Quebec The Habitant of Quebec Wednesday, December 15, 1909 Sir Lomer Gouin Premier of the Province of Quebec The Habitant of Quebec
Saturday, November 20, 1909 Mrs. Emiline Pankhurst The Founder and Leader of Women's Social and Political Union, of England Why Women Want to Vote, and How They Hope to Win It Saturday, November 20, 1909 Mrs. Emiline Pankhurst The Founder and Leader of Women's Social and Political Union, of England Why Women Want to Vote, and How They Hope to Win It
Monday, November 1, 1909 Honourable George W. Ross, Ll.D.; E.W.M. Grigg Senator of Canada; Colonial Editor of the London Times The Australian Commonwealth: Its Resources and Constitution Monday, November 1, 1909 Honourable George W. Ross, Ll.D.; E.W.M. Grigg Senator of Canada; Colonial Editor of the London Times The Australian Commonwealth: Its Resources and Constitution
Tuesday, September 28, 1909 Will Crooks, M.P. Labour Member for Woolwich, in the House of Commons Labour and Patriotism Tuesday, September 28, 1909 Will Crooks, M.P. Labour Member for Woolwich, in the House of Commons Labour and Patriotism
Monday, April 5, 1909 Sir Andrew Fraser, K.C.S.I., Ll.D. Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, India Political Unrest in India Monday, April 5, 1909 Sir Andrew Fraser, K.C.S.I., Ll.D. Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, India Political Unrest in India
Friday, March 19, 1909 Hon. Joseph Martin Canada's Relation to the Empire Friday, March 19, 1909 Hon. Joseph Martin Canada's Relation to the Empire
Monday, February 22, 1909 George C. Gibbons, K.C. Chairman of the Canadian Section of the International Waterways Commission, London Work of the Waterways Commission Monday, February 22, 1909 George C. Gibbons, K.C. Chairman of the Canadian Section of the International Waterways Commission, London Work of the Waterways Commission
Tuesday, October 27, 1908 Right Honourable Viscount Milner, G.C.B. The Imperial Question Tuesday, October 27, 1908 Right Honourable Viscount Milner, G.C.B. The Imperial Question
Friday, October 23, 1908 Lord Northcliffe Our Business Partner, John Bull Friday, October 23, 1908 Lord Northcliffe Our Business Partner, John Bull
Tuesday, April 21, 1908 Hon. Senator George W. Ross Senate Reform Tuesday, April 21, 1908 Hon. Senator George W. Ross Senate Reform